Sometimes, just sometimes, real life catches up to you. For those of you that have been following my blog for a while now, you might have noticed that the past two weeks I have been a little bit less active than usual. I have checked in with everyone’s blog where I could, but the posts for my own blog were a bit slower than normal. My apologies for that, but the past two weeks my thoughts were a little bit pre-occupied with other things. Hence the beginning, sometimes real life catches up to you.

Now, I am running behind on a few things, most importantly a few of you gave my blog a reward. I always appreciate this very much, and over the coming weeks I will try to catch up on these as much as I can, starting today. First up is the “One Lovely Blog Award” that was given to me by D-talks Anime. Now if you have not yet signed up to their blog, than I want you to stop reading this, hit the link and subscribe. Don’t worry, I will wait….All done? Oh, you want a reason to sign up? Well how about the fantastic posts on anime that are being published on their blog? They are always a pleasure to read, and more over it is really cool (and always a lot of fun) to exchange thoughts with them. Don’t take my word for it, just head over there and be amazed. D, I would almost forget, thank you so very much for this nomination, I really appreciate it a lot 😀


The Rules

  • Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog
  • Add the One Lovely Blog Award to your post
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Pass this on to as many people as you like (max 15)
  • Include this set of rules
  • Inform your nominees

Seven things about little old me…

This being the second time that I have been nominated for this award, it was actually a bit hard to find another seven things to share. But…I came up with a few things regardless.

One: My favorite alltime book character is Raistlin Majere from the Dragonlance Chronicles written by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman (if you have yet to read these novels, track them down ASAP)


Two: My favorite food is any kind of Italian pasta.

Three: People have accused me of lying when I tell them that I don’t own a smartphone. This is no joke, I actually don’t own one, but I do have an IPad (see…I can be modern 😂😂)

Four: At times I have a real problem saying no to things. I always want to go out of my way to help people, but at times at the cost of myself. Oh well, I still would not want to have it any other way 😀

Five: My favorite horror serial killer is Jason Voorhees. Yes the friday the 13th movies are horrible, but in fact they are so horrible that I enjoy them so very, very much 😂😂


Six: I almost never get angry (no lie), but one thing that can really set me off is injustice. That is really a thing I can get angry over…(no I am not going to give an example in case I might get angry….and you would not like me when I get angry 😂)

Seven: I don’t drink alcohol. No not because I have any kind of morality issue with it, but simply because I don’t like the taste of the stuff. And I don’t need it to have fun at a party: You bring the fun with you right?

The nominees

Now this time, I am going to give the nominations to a few blogs that I have recently started to follow and have pretty much just started. Not only do I think that they deserve this nomination, but I also feel that they are really on their way to grow, but just need a little bit more spotlight. So…here we go:

Arsangeli Honestly, I almost can’t believe this blog so far only has nine people following it. (At least that’s what it says on the reader, so I could be wrong). There is some truly fantastic (anime style) art on display at this blog, and the amount of talent involved is simply amazing.

Hyoukablog  Anime reviews, amazing poems, this blog features it all. I think this blog is one of the more unique ones that I have started following, and I really like reading all those wonderful poems.

Brendarochelles Neverland Actually, this blogger isn’t new, she is in fact the first person I met when I started blogging. She used to have a different blog, but recently she has started up a new one, but still has way too less subscribers (At least in my opinion). Her blog features movie, anime,K-drama and book reviews which are a joy to read. Not only that, she is just one of the kindest persons you will meet, and it is always nice to talk to her about a review.

The comic vault One would almost not believe that this blog has started up just a few days ago, but it did. The blog looks seriously amazing and features very cool posts about all of your favorite superheroes. (And also the lesser known ones).

Just anime times This blog features a lot of reviews about my favorite genre of anime: Mecha Anime. The classics, but also the lesser known ones, the reviews are very insightful, and showcases animeseries that I haven’t even heard of before.

Palbableemotion what to say about this blog? How about a seriously cool blog, and a very kind person behind it all? I really like the style of the reviews that are posted (with pictures featuring the anime), and the posts themselves are awesome to read!

Toritsukamanga A really cool blog about the world of Manga and anime with a lot of great and fun posts. Even though I don’t read a lot of Manga, I still really enjoy reading the reviews on this blog.

Remyfool Okay, I admit it, I cheated a bit on this nomination, as this blog is not really new. Still, I have not been following this blog for very long, and we both came to the conclusion that we might have both been living under a rock for not noticing each other’s blog sooner lol. That said, this is another fantastic anime and manga blog, with a lot of fun and interesting posts to read.

So, that’s it for this post. As I have said I wanted to put a bit of spotlight on a few of the newer blogs out there, but in my opinion everyone that is taking the effort to start up a blog, or has been a veteran, pretty much deserves a reward. Blogging at times can be hard, but it is times like these, and interacting with all the wonderful people out there, that make it all worthwhile. See you next time! 😀