Helly everyone! It seems that lately every time I make plans for my blog, real life seems determined to throw a wrench in them. It’s beginning to really annoy me. I (or White Blood Cell so to speak) have been trying to get rid of my flu bug for almost a week now. It’s a nasty one, because every time I have the idea that I am feeling better, it apparently feels the need to mutate into something new. Today is such a day again as I woke up feeling like the cold just started. But there is a silver lining too. My vacation has now officially started, and I can take the time to, well do pretty much anything I want. No work stress for at least three weeks, and I will hopefully do a lot of blogging too. Starting tomorrow, I want to spent some time catching up with your blogs. Probably won’t be able to read all the posts I have missed, but I do want to try and read as much as I can. If there is any post in particular that you want me to check out, let me know in the comments section below.

All the Violet Evergarden post needs, is a click on the Publish button. 

Tomorrow you can also expect my first real anime post for quite a while, and it’s one for a series that has taken a very special place in my heart: Violet Evergarden. Won’t go into any details yet, but it’s one of the special ones for sure. Hopefully with some more rest today, I can get back into full swing the next couple of days, as I really have some exciting things to write about. And as you know, anime is going to be featuring heavily this upcoming month as it’s something I have been neglecting a bit these past few weeks. Again my apologies. It seems that lately I’m turning into a bit of a whiner, with posts like these coming out, instead of writing about the things that I really want to write about. But I also want to give a heartfelt thank you to all of you readers, for being so amazing and giving so much support to me. It really means a lot. So be patient with me for just a little while more, I assure that I will be back stalking spamming your comments sections soon enough, as well as overloading the reader. Everyone have a great weekend!

No running away just yet White Blood Cell, you still have work to do!