So remember how a few days ago I promoted a blogger who had just reached 100 followers and did all those push ups to thank his followers? Well, it turns out he had a really fun idea for all of us to start writing a book. And of course it was inevitable that at some point this tag would reach me. Did not expect it to be almost right away though. Thanks Irina….erm I think 😅

I’m going to turn completely insane from anxiety and nervousness.

So if you want a reminder of what the idea was about, or haven’t even seen it yet, just read Arthifis’ post. I have to be honest the last time I wrote a story was on school about 25 years ago I guess….so yeah, I am getting old now lol. And nervous for making this even remotely interesting to read. Okay, erm…here we go. But first the rules:

Here’s a quick reminder of the rules:

1. Copy the post you’ve been tagged from the rules down (with the links)
2. Go here and read the rules
3. Write your name and link it to one of your posts (The main character is called NoGender and as the name indicates, does not have a gender, so if you want to speak in the third person use the word “it”)
4. Write your paragraph (max 200 words with 100 words margin)
5. Tag someone’s post who wasn’t tagged before and say the following rule in the same phrase “You have 3 days to accept this tag”
6. If the person you tagged doesn’t answer or doesn’t want to participate tag other person       (again, tag a post and not a page)
7. Write the Title “Let’s All Write a Book | Chapter 1 | Paragraph X”, being X your paragraph

Arthifis Chapter 1.1 : It was the same dream again, for a week NoGender was always having the same dream. Drowning… It was funny actually, since “it” had the power of controlling water.


NoGender woke up breathing heavily as always… Next morning would be the final exam for him to be a full edge water bender, but without having proper sleep for a week, NoGender was getting nervous about it… “Its” concentration was not as good as normal, “It” had found itself almost falling asleep countless times while trying to train its skills the best it could and, at this moment “it” was getting anxious that it would just fall asleep in the middle of the exam. With these kind of thoughts, “It” bended over to the other side and fell asleep again.

NoGender was part of one of the most important schools of the kingdom. It was usual for someone to bend any kind of elemental, however only until a certain point… Having really the power to bend an elemental power to someone’s will was extremely rare. Every kid with age of 5 needed to do the national yearly exam to show their abilities, although simple, the exam was enough to see if the bender had enough capabilities to be a “true” bender or not. In thousands of children only 1%, in average, would be good enough to enter this prestigious school. However, being chosen and being in this school didn’t meant they would be benders all their lives, when these already special children got to 18 years old, their powers could just disappear from night to day, because of that, everyone did the final exam in their 18th birthday day, if they passed they could choose which path they wanted to continue and join one of the specialized schools they prefered.

Irina Chapter 1.2 : It was no good. The worries and anxieties could only be pushed aside so far before they needed to be dealt with.

OK NoGender thought, this is going nowhere. Might as well get this day started so I can get it over with. It figured the library would be a good place to while away the remaining hours before the exam. It was way too nervous to get any actual studying done but at least it could pretend, that’s what **good** students did, right? Fake it till you make it! It was starting to get a sinking feeling that making it was always a bit fake anyways. At least the library was close to the main campus.


As NoGender distractedly ambled into the stuffy reading room, with the comfy leather chairs, that were now considerably more patchwork than leather, and the assorted desk and floor lamps that all gave off different lights, it noticed that the room was already stuffed with nervous looking students, all seemingly at a loss as to what to do with themselves.

A tall skinny boy with a smile that was the polar opposite of comforting, caught his eye. If NoGender was this anxious, he could only imagine what poor Schickley was going through, that kid had trouble handling the stress of ordering lunch. NoGender worried about him. As their eyes met, it greeted its friend in what it hoped was a reassuring manner:

-Hey Shakes, wanna go get a drink after this?

-Geni, oh good you’re here! Did you hear what happened?


Raistlin Chapter 1.3 : NoGender looked at it’s friend in puzzlement. “Hear what?” it asked. If anything, it seemed Schickley was even more nervous than normal. Which was saying something. Just as Schickley was about to answer, a small tremor rocked the floor of the library. Students began looking up from their books, and just then the tremors started getting worse. People screamed in fright, and small cracks appeared in the marble floors of the library.

A real panic now began to take a hold of the students and everyone started rushing towards the great double doors that formed the exit. Schickley and NoGender got swept up in the crowd and lost sight of each other. Then someone yelled ” The doors are locked!! ” NoGender wasn’t someone that was quick to panic, but it began to creep up on “it”. What was going on? But then the worst tremor yet shook the building.


Bookcases began to fall over, and great chunks of the ceiling came loose and started falling on students. NoGender dove under a table just in time, as a big block of rubble crashed down on the space where he had just stood. And then a terrible inhuman howling sound started……..

To be continued….

Okay I have to admit: this was a lot of fun! And now for the tag: Shokamoka I choose you!  Sorry about this, but come on, we all know you were asking for it with those comments you left over on Irina’s post. So no pressure. But just a quick reminder “You have three days to accept this tag” Good luck, and looking forward to seeing where you are going to be taking the story.
