It’s been a while since I last did an awards post. As both Irina , Cactus Matt and Mel recently wrote a post for this new award that’s been going around the block, I was reminded that I too was tagged for this one. But even more shamefully I was nominated three times for this. Yes I know, I am horrible at keeping up with tags and awards post, so first off my apologies for that. But now I am finally going to make it up to everyone that nominated me, by writing a massive post for this one. So yeah this is going to be a long one so sit back, and take a soda (or whatever drink you might prefer). My first nomination came from Chizure who is currently on hiatus. That should not stop you from checking out her blog anyway though, as her posts are awesome, but so is she. I really miss her, and hope she will be making a return to blogging in the future. Ryuji is the one who gave me the second one, and sadly currenlty also on hiatus. Another blog that you should really check out ASAP, as it’s hosted by another amazing person who I also miss a lot. But, the posts in the blog speak for themselves as they are all wonderful.

These blogs and bloggers are so AWESOME!!

And they say three times is a charm, as I got nominatied for a third one by Merlin. I really hope that this blogger doesn’t need any introduction anymore (and really if he does, where have you been). Running a blog on a multitude of subjects (including some of my favorite tv series) it’s sooo worth it too follow this blog. So please do so! All three of you: thank you so much for this nomination, and sorry it has taken me so long to finally get around to it. I still hope you will enjoy the read though. But let’s first get the official part of this out of the way as of course there are (*groan*) rules.

The Rules

Why are there ALWAYS rules!!!!
  • Thank the Person who nominated you and link back to their blog.
  • Answer the questions sent to you.
  • Nominate around 10 bloggers.
  • Create your own set of questions for your nominees and display the rules.
  • List the rules and display the Brotherhood of the World logo in your post.

So with that part finally out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff!

Chizure’s and Ryuji’s Questions

1. Briefly describe your blogging style (Where is your favorite blogging spot/what is your favorite blogging tool).

Well, right off the bat we start with a tough question. My blogging style huh? Well, one thing I do like to do (at least when I can that is) is try to put something personal in a post. When I write a review I try to come up with something that either happened to myself, or what in some way relates to whatever I am reviewing. In that way I try (and hopefully succeed *gasp*) in making an entertaining post. As for my favorite blogging spot, I always write on my ipad (with keyboard) on my bed. And now it has not yet happened that I have fallen asleep while writing.

2. How do you manage your blogging and blog reading time?

The easiest answer would be I don’t lol. But seriously though it is at times pretty hard to manage. I try to read posts at work during breaks, but on busy days I usually fail at that. When I come home from work, I usually take 3-4 hours to read posts and stalk people place comments. And yes I know that I place a lot of comments, sorry about that! As for writing my own posts, it depends. I usually get most of my writing done in the weekend, but sometimes I already spent some time on preparing drafts on weekdays.

I really wish I had a time machine…..

3. Who is your most read author?

It kind of depends what mood I am in. But I do spent a lot of time in the Warhammer 40000 science fiction universe and I would say my favorite author for that is Graham McNeill. His novels are just real pageturners with loads of great action and all kinds of wonderful characters.

4. How did you come up with your blogging name?

Well finally, an easy question! Some of you already know the answer to this one, but of course I will still say it anyway. Raistlin is the most amazing book character I have ever read about. He was a mage in a series of fantasy novels called Dragonlance, written by the remarkable writing duo Margaret Weiss and Tracy Hickmann. There was so much in him that I could relate too (not the world domination and becoming a god part though lol) and I just really understood what made him tick. Despite meeting many other wonderful characters in books, there has never been any that ever came close to being as cool as he was. And 0903 is my birthday (as I am Dutch we first write the day, and then the month). Hey, I told you it was easy!

The guy on the right is Raistlin. Yup…he is pretty scary….

5. What keeps you blogging?

Well, that is another very easy question to answer. The most important thing for me and that makes it so much fun, is the interacting with everyone. There are so many wonderful people in this community, and a lot of them have turned into amazing friends. That to me gives me my drive to keep blogging. I do love writing posts, but I also know that I am nowhere near as good as some of the people who I have great admiration for. But, that’s really okay. I always try to come up with some reviews for things that might not have been seen by everyone (although of course I do write posts about those as well), and that for me keeps it interesting too. But…the community itself, that is what keeps me going!

Merlin’s Questions

1) How did you come up with your blogging name?

Asked and answered 🙂

2) What do you love most about blogging?

Well I kind of answered that one a little bit as well, but just in case I wasn’t clear: the great discussions I have had with everyone on various topics, and the wonderful friendships that have only been growing since I started my blog. I really could not ever think about leaving this fully behind.

Yeah…I guess Yoda is right…

3) What do you hate most about blogging?

Never having enough time. But I guess that’s a problem that is not only restricted to blogging. I do find it frustrating at times though. I only have about 5-6 hours on weekdays of free time after a workday. Sometimes even less, when I have something else planned for an evening. This is also one of the reasons why I have pretty much reached a limit to the amount of blogs I can follow. As much as I would love to, I just can’t follow everyone. It would also not be fair to someone’s post if I were to read it only partially and leave a like. But sometimes it’s hard, as I really come across some great (old and new) blogs. Occasionally though I do make an exception.

4) Do you have some favorite blogs to recommend?

Well, quite a few actually. On my blog I have a monthly feature called Bloggers in the Spotlight where I try to point out blogs that are really awesome and might not yet have been discovered by everyone. This month will see the release of the 4th volume of this. I  already have a few bloggers in mind, but I don’t want to say who these are (yet). Feel free though to look at the bloggers in the previous installments, for some recommendations. All I can say is that there are some amazingly talented people out here in this community. Well duh, of course you are one of them!

5) Do you have one or three personal favorite posts you’ve written?

Well it’s always difficult to choose things from your own posts, but looking back there certainly are some posts that I quite enjoyed putting together. As I like being nostalgic from time to time, hence my love for the 80’s, I really had a lot of fun writing my Childhood Movies post. It’s written almost two years ago, but I still remember it quite well. A post that I am pretty proud of in the way it turned out was my review for Ergo Proxy. I was really fearful to post it, as it was an animeseries that was loved by quite a lot of people, but I did never really get into it. In the end though it became one of my most popular posts. Lastly there is the The Last Jedi rantpost. It’s not a post that I really like (though I still stand by everything I wrote for it, I still hate that movie), but I really learned a lot from it. It’s never good to write a review in total anger. But then again, it really created some very lively and interesting discussions as well, which was something that was a fun experience.

And the nominees are…..


This award has been around for a while now, so I have kind of lost track of everyone that got nominated for this already. Feel free to ignore the nomination if you have already done one, or if you don’t want to do it, that’s of course perfectly fine as well. So here we go. I nominate:

The Bookworm Drinketh





The Otaku Judge

Rocco B




And now for my questions…


1) How did you come up with your blogging name? (Yes, that question is stolen, deal with it :))

2) How did you get interested in blogging?

3) Is there something you desperately want to write about on your blog, but haven’t done yet?

4) What’s the best thing that happened to you in the blogging sphere?

5) Name one movie, book or anime that you have seen this year that really impressed you

Well…that’s it. Thank you for suffering reading this post, and see you at the next one!