Hello everyone! As you know I am pretty much back from my hiatus and am slowly resuming my regular blogging activities. For those of you that have been following me for a while you might recall that this year I have started a new feature on my blog called Bloggers in the Spotlight. But as it has been a while since I last did a post like this, and there are also quite a number of new bloggers that have joined my cult blog since then, let me explain again what this feature is about. Bloggers in the spotlight is my attempt to shed some light on blogs that are seriously cool, and you might not have found about (yet). As I have a multitopic blog (yes that is definitely a mouthful I agree), I also follow quite a number of different blogs. Usually I point out around 3-5 blogs to you on this feature so you can check them out for yourself and of course follow them (that is kind of the point of this: duh). This is the first time though that I am going to feature only one blog. Huh? What? Are you freaking kidding me here?!? Nope…I am not. I’m only going to feature this one blogger here because A: I wanted to achieve the maximum effect with this post and B: this guy deserves this post. So without further ado let me introduce you to:

What do you mean only one blogger? What about the rest of us?!?!

Weekend Otaku

imageSo, why put the spotlight on this single blogger ? Well, honestly the trigger for this came when I read another excellent post from Irina (see how I shamelessly put another link to Irina’s blog in this post?). There was a comment left by Weekend on that post, that really got to me, and quite frankly it is something that has always baffled me in the first place. Why on Earth does this guy not have more followers than he currently has? If you have never read a post by him before let me just explain why they are so awesome. The reviews he writes are almost like small works of art. They are often very expansive (though he lately also writes shorter ones, which are equally cool), offering multiple insights in a particular anime. It points out the strengths and weaknesses of a show, but in a way that really is very convincing, with multiple explanations on the subject. Another thing that I really enjoyed is his watch-a- long for the animeseries Your Lie in April. (And from what I understand during my hiatus this was done a second time). It introduced me to one of the most beautiful animeseries that I have ever seen, but it also felt as if I was sitting in the living room with him discussing this show. Every comment left on his site, always gets an answer, and not a short one either.

I still don’t see the point of featuring only one blogger….

Lately though, especially after reading his comment on Irina’s post, it seems Weekend is getting a little bit discouraged by the lack of new followers/views on his blog. I guess there are times when we all feel like that. A post you wrote, which you think was pretty awesome hardly gets any views/likes, and you begin to wonder if you should continue. So before this happens to Weekend Otaku I decided to take some action and bring his blog into the spotlight. Not only because the blog deserves it, but because he is just a great guy, who always offers support to others and has been a very active part of the anime community in some form or other. So, in other words: head on over to his blog, read some of his posts, and you will soon see what I am talking about. And if you are not following him yet, go ahead and do so right now!

Just tell me already, or I will put you to the sword: You are getting paid by this guy to do this! Am I right??

As for Weekend Otaku, my friend, I hope this post will encourage to get back in the saddle and start writing some of those awesome posts again. I for one can’t wait to read them 😊 Bloggers in the spotlight will return…next time though with more than one blogger featured. Thanks for reading, see you next time 😀