…the Jedi??!!! Erm..no sorry to disappoint. It’s just the return of little old me, you know that guy who used to have a blog writing reviews about all kinds of stuff and who went on a Blogging hiatus a few months ago. Yep, after a countdown on twitter this week I am officially returning to the world of blogging starting today, and I thought I would write a post with this announcement (so you can still run away in fear) explaining what my plans are and of course an update on what’s been going on the past few weeks. So let’s get back in the saddle and see if I can still write posts. Hmm…that’s what it was called right? A post…erm…right???

The Past

Whoops….this is quite the depressing image. But it’s all in the past now…..

When I announced my disappearance from the world of WordPress way back in April I had not expected to be gone for such a long time. But as it turns out things were not up to me and the real world dealt some cards that went beyond my control. The main reason I went off the grid so to speak was the fact that my father had to undergo surgery. It was nothing lifethreatening, but as he came out of a previous surgery in a pretty bad way, we had a tense time in the days counting down to the operation itself. And those days turned to weeks as the date itself was planned a lot later than we expected. Despite a lot of stress I am very happy to report though that the surgery itself went pretty okay. We are of course not completely there yet. The surgery to his back has now been more than two weeks ago, and he is making slow progress. Hopefully through physical therapy things are going to improve, but I will try to keep optimistic about it.

As for me, I am still very tired. Work is still the same, and the stress of the past few weeks has been taking it’s toll. I still lack energy and am not yet back to my old self. But….despite that I want to try and get back to something that I really love…and that brings me to…..

The Present

Hmm….you know what they say right? After rain comes……

I might not be back in full force, but I am coming back. I have missed the world of blogging now for way too long, and most importantly the interaction with everyone, reading other people’s post and the exchange of comments. As it now stands after today I will slowly start to pick up my usual activities here, which means you can expect me to pop up in your comments sections again (yes, you still have time to close them down, no worries) and of course writing my own stuff. It might surprise you to hear that in these past few months I haven’t done much. I read a few novels, watched a couple of movies and seen some anime and tv shows, but less than you might expect. I did become addicted to a small anime style computer game that I might do a review for somewhere along the line. That said I have seen and read some things which means:

The Future

Naw…I’m not going to build a time machine, sorry to disappoint.

So what will be coming up in the future? Well, I still had an Anime theme month going before I went off, and in that post I promised a few people some reviews. In fact the first one for My Hero Accademia season 1 will be my first real post that is coming up. Keeping in the anime theme style I will be attending Animecon 2018 again this year. Which means I am going to be spending three days in a hotel during the upcoming weekend of the 15th of June enjoying a con that focusses on all things Asian and of course as the name implies a lot of anime. Just like last year I will be writing a report about it and I hope it will be just as much fun as the 2017 edition. For all you non anime lovers out there, no worries I got you covered too. I did see a few movies, most notably The Avengers: Infinity War, Deadpool 2 and Solo amongst some others. Reviews for those films are also going to be popping up when you least expect it. And of course other geek things that are a part of this blog as well.

An apology and a thank you

I really mean it: THANK YOU!

Before I bring this post to a close I want to say two more things. One is an apology. I realise a lot of people wrote comments on posts or sent emails that I haven’t yet responded too. Please know that this certainly was not because I was ignoring you. It was simply because I lacked the energy to at times write even a simple app to a friend. It’s been a hard couple of weeks and I at times felt so down that it was hard to keep going. But that brings me to my second point: a heartfelt and sincere thank you. I already knew this community was awesome and that there were some wonderful people that I have met along the way. But that only became more clear when I went on my hiatus. There are so many blogging friends that stayed in touch on Twitter or email that it honestly pulled me through some, at times, very hard days. So from the bottom of my heart thank you. It was and still is very much appreciated and know that if there is ever anything I can do to ever return the favor, I am there for you as well.

So before this turns into too much of a ramble (if it has not already) I am going to say goodbye for now. Raistlin is signing off, but no worries…just for today. Thanks for reading and let’s just put it like this even if it is cliche: It’s good to be back!