Hello everyone. I have just been nominated for my first ever blog award: The Liebster Award. Thank you so much Matthew for nominating me. If you haven’t already check out his awesome site featuring reviews, thoughts, and basically all kind of supercool stuff about the world of Anime and beyond. It is really worth your time to do so 😀 Now, this being my first award I actually had to Google a bit on how to do this ( don’t laugh please 😂) so if I have made any mistakes please be sure to let me know.

Here are the rules for the Liebster award:

  • Thank the person who nominated you and answer the eleven questions they have written for you
  • Nominate 11 people and give them 11 different questions to answer

I am going to answer the same questions that Matthew, Matt-in the Hatt did, so here we go:

What is your favorite game genre?

I used to be a very obsessive and frankly quite scary online gamer. Those days are behind me now however, and these days I am playing oldschool games without a computer. I guess the more common word for it is boardgames. These I play in the sci-fi/fantasy and horrorgenres. My favorite game genre used to be the first person shooter however.

What is your favorite book genre?

That question is a bit tougher to answer, as I do read a lot of books in all kinds of genres. But I guess I do love the sci-fi/horror genre the most. At least I also think that most of my books are in that genre.

What region do you prefer for comics? ( Asia, America, Europe?)

Most of the comics I read are from Marvel. I just love the superhero stories they make, and I honestly prefer their universe to the DC universe. Lately I am slowly building up an appreciation for Japanese Manga as well.

Why did you start blogging? 

I used to write reviews of movies on my Facebook page, but those were usually short posts. One day I decided that wasn’t enough and I just wanted to reach out to more people, or like minded souls if you prefer, to share my thoughts with on movies, tv shows, Anime…in short all the cool stuff. So that’s why I started blogging. I am loving it so far, and am not regretting it for one bit.

What is the trashiest game you played, or book/comic you ever read? 

I had to dig deep for that one, but I think without a doubt that would have to be Onechanbara Bikini Squad, although I think the word trash is almost too kind a word for it 😀


Have you ever tried surströmming and if not, how do you think it tastes? Have you ever tried    mämmi ?

Erm, can’t say that I have on both counts. As I don’t like fish, I imagine the first thing tasting pretty awful, and the second pretty awesome, as I like deserts a lot.

What is the most disgusting (tasting, looking and/or smelling) national delicacy you know of  (where you live?)

Thinking long and hard I can’t think of anything that was a National delicacy and that tasted awful. But I never say never, so I will probably come across something that will fill that bill in the future 😂

What is the funniest word you have heard (and if not in English what does it mean?) 

Living in Holland I think pretty much my entire language sounds funny, but if I have to pick a word I would say “poffertje” No there is not a real translation for it, as it is a national dish, but the best description would be a really small and very tasty pancake. If ever in Holland, make sure you eat some 😀

Please share one personal thing about you. Why that one in particular?

Although I sometimes mask it pretty well, I would say I can be a very shy and insecure person sometimes. But I have definitely made steps improving myself, and so I guess I can be proud of that too. So that is why I am sharing it as well😀

In the console war, where do you stand? 

Well….As I have stopped my gaming days I guess I could say nowhere, but having had my most interesting and quite frankly best gaming experiences on X-box, I would say at the side of the X-box 😀

Recounting the questions I am missing number 11, so I think will just make one up:

Which Anime series have you watched that really had you on the edge of your seat? (And if you don’t watch/like Anime, which tv series) 

The best Anime series I have seen all year for me has been Another. It had me hooked from the start and I could not stop watching it until I had finished it. I liked it so much in fact that I am currently reading the novel the series was based on.

Now as for my nominations (and I really hope I am doing this the right way, so I have just added the links to the nominated sites, hopefully everyone who is nominated will get a message 😀)

The 11 nominees

1. Brenda Rochelle’s Neverland

2.Blame Chocolate

3.Experience Film

4. Manga Corner

5. Lunastarz


7. Raulconde001

8. Kdramakisses

9. The Maniacal Book Unicorn

10. Intense mode

11. Reeltime Dublin

Now I am following a lot of blogs, and if it were up to me, you would all get a reward, because I think you are all awesome. I can only choose 11 though, so if your name did not come up, please know that every blog I follow I do so, because I think it is awesome 😀

That’s all for now 😀